The Oldest Independent Black Library in the US

Over a century later, the Western Library in Louisville, KY, still provides valuable services to its community.

Explore Juneteenth History through Library Archives

Libraries, colleges, and even television shows offer free information about Juneteenth and Black history.

Library Resources to Support Your Gifted Children

Books, educational databases, and makerspaces can help accommodate your child’s growing academic needs.

Why Libraries Are Perfect for History Buffs

Everything you could ever want to know about times past can be found at the library.

Book Ban Book Banned in Florida

Would you believe a school library system would go so far as to ban a book about book banning just because it mentions banned books?  

Brain Health and Memory Care at the Library

Your public library can be one of your greatest allies for preserving cognitive function.

The Library Can Help Your Teen with Their Summer Job Search

With internet access, job fairs, and courses on résumé-building and interview skills, young people can learn how to land their first job.

A Listening Love Story

A writer, librarian, and voice actor share what audiobooks mean to them.

Puzzles at the Library Support Cognitive Health

Find fun ways to keep your brain functioning at its best.

The ALA’s Rainbow Round Table

The United States’ first and oldest professional LGTBQIA+ organization continues to advocate for diverse, affirming, and inclusive literature.