Finding Your Hobby at the Library

Libraries are becoming the ideal place for hobbyists and those in search of new hobbies. With all the tools and resources available for people to discover something new as well as meet up with others who share the same interests. Your library is a place for everyone no matter how young or old they are. Heading to your local public library for your interests is a great way to pass the time doing your favorite activities while in a relaxing and fun environment. Libraries are a great place to find new hobbies.

Diagnosed with an Illness? Your Library Can Help!

So you’ve just left your doctor’s appointment with a diagnosis of an illness. Perhaps, you were given a prescription for medication to manage your symptoms. Maybe your doctor even provided some recommendations for living with your condition, such as modifying your diet or exercise. Following your physician’s orders can be as simple as popping a daily pill or adding more greens to your diet. But often, there is more to illness than meets the eye, and many questions may arise over the next few days or weeks after your diagnosis. It’s easy to get lost in Google searches for answers, leading to more confusion than clarification. Where can you turn when you have been diagnosed with an illness? Your local library, of course! While your public librarians are not medical doctors or social workers (although some may be!), they are trained to connect you with high-quality information and support.

Libraries Help Connect Families with STEM and STEAM Programs

STEM and STEAM which are acronyms for “science, technology, engineering, and mathematics” and “science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics”, respectively, are widespread programs in libraries all over the place. Libraries and other educational institutions understand the important impact that STEM and STEAM education makes on students and families. Implementing these types of activities into the calendar creates opportunities for young learners to explore and experiment with new concepts. Libraries all over have come up with new learning experiences for students of all ages.

A People are Free When They Can Read Freely

There is a recurring argument surrounding reading that gets brought up every few news cycles. It is the debate over whether or not people should be allowed to read whatever they want to. Libraries have always defended and supported access to information whether through physical materials, audiobooks, movies, or other forms of media. Reading is not only a personal journey, it is also one of the most effective ways to explore the world and discover new ideas.

Libraries are a High-Impact Solution to a Lot of Covid-Era Problems

Libraries and museums across the nation have felt the impact of the pandemic. Doors have closed, new social distancing measures have been implemented, and these institutions have worked tirelessly to continue serving patrons while under stress from the virus. The Institute of Museums and Libraries (IMLS) stepped in with a new legislative mandate that made an additional $50,000,000 in grant funding available to help prepare for and respond to the virus. This funding was meant to help expand digital network access, purchase internet-accessible devices, and provide technical support services.

Discover a New Perspective at Your Local Library

Our interconnected world allows for rapid communications and business to transpire between every country, continent, and culture. However, much of this connection takes place online these days (especially in the age of COVID), making it difficult to directly engage with new people and experiences. Luckily, libraries continue to provide a wealth of cultural touchstones, allowing interested readers a chance to discover new cultures, ideas, and locations. Many of the problems we face as people come from a lack of understanding and cooperation, making it more critical than ever to be concerned with the range of perspectives that people go through.

How libraries can help women-owned businesses succeed

There are 1.1 million women-owned businesses in the U.S., according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and women cite a top motivator for starting their own business as making a difference in the world. Now that is inspiring! Running your own business is empowering. It offers flexibility, financial independence, and a chance to build a career of passion. Of course, following that call to freedom can come with its own challenges like finding a workspace, funding your business, reaching clients, and knowing what to do next.

The Book: A Fantastic Piece of Technology

When you think of the world technology, what comes to mind? Odds are big machines, like planes, trains and automobiles, and things with screens and plugs. However, if you look at the dictionary definition of the word, ‘the use of science in industry, engineering, ect., to invent useful things to solve problems,’ the idea of a ‘technology’ expands to include everyday items such as a pencil, a cloths hanger, a mailbox and, yes, a book. And, like all technology, the modern book involved several abandoned formats and went through recognizable stages to get to its current level of acceptance.

Tribal Libraries Focused on Preservation of Culture and Languages

Institute of Museum and Library Services The Institute of Museum and Library sciences is an independent federal agency that supports museums and libraries in the country through grants, policy development, and research. It was created in 1996 and has made it its mission to inspire libraries and museums to transform the lives of individuals and communities. With their work, the IMLS hopes to promote learning, build and strengthen the capacity of libraries and museums, and increase public access to resources. The IMLS strategically aligns its resources and relationships to aid libraries and museums. There are several grants being awarded every year that libraries and museums can apply for. These grants are expansive in what they cover and were created to accommodate different sizes and types of projects and institutions. A few of these include museum grants for African American history and culture, leadership grants for libraries, grants for small museums, and many others. A full list can be found on the IMLS website.

Libraries: Where Populations Become Communities

Many people discover the different types of library spaces when looking for a book or somewhere in their community to hold a meeting. This is one reason why libraries continue to thrive in the Internet era. Even when people can find a lot of information and entertainment online the library as a place is still a draw and provides internet access.