Summer Has Your Kids Bored? Try the Library

Summer vacation is still going strong for families around the country! Naturally, this means that kids have a lot of time to fill, translating to parents struggling to come up with activities that don’t involve hours spent staring into television or iPads. Well, help has arrived! Consider checking out your local library for stimulating summer activities!

One Idea That Helps Libraries Alleviate Our Social Fears: The Freedom to Read

In a country that seems more divided than united, libraries know how to serve the information and learning needs of the public. When they are properly funded, libraries provide people with the resources to become more knowledgeable, and less ignorant.

A Business Traveler’s Guide to Working at the Library

If you’re a business traveler you understand that working out of hotels, the car, and coffee shops can be challenging. Between sending emails from a poorly-lit hotel room with sluggish wifi, balancing your laptop between your knees and the steering wheel, and making business calls over the roar of milk steamers, working on the road can be less-than-ideal. But there’s an alternative. Public libraries offer a well-lit, quiet workspace with free access to wifi, meeting rooms, reference librarians and more. And public libraries can be found all over the place, so locating your temporary workspace is as easy as finding the nearest library branch. Here’s a business traveler’s guide to working at the library.

Libraries for Life: A Story of How They Serve People at Every Age (Part 2)

This is part 2 of Christine’s story. Click here if you would like to go back to part 1.

Libraries for Life: A Story of How They Serve People at Every Age (Part 1)

From birth to death, libraries strive to improve the well-being of individuals and communities. Instead of demonstrating how and why through an impossibly long list, here’s a story I hope you enjoy…

Libraries, Structured Randomness and the Creative Process

Creativity occurs at the intersection of different ideas.

Make the Most of Library Storytime: 6 Tips for New Parents

So you’re a new parent — Congratulations! By now I’m sure you’ve read all the books (and magazines, and blogs, and webpages…) about the crazy-wonderful magic that’s happening in your baby’s brain; like how reading aloud to your child creates a firestorm of neural connections during their earliest years. Or maybe you’re the parent of a toddler or preschooler, and your pediatrician told you that reading aloud every day will strengthen your parent-child bond and help get them ready for kindergarten. Either way, your public library has something for you: Storytime! I’m sure you have an idea of what storytime is: librarian reads picture book to kids, kids are entertained. But there’s so much more to it than that! Not to worry, here are tips for first-timers:

The Ways Librarians Inspire a Love of Books in Reluctant Readers

There are so many options available at the library, and it’s the librarian’s job to ensure that your child gets exactly the right book.

The Obvious Place to Get Started in Business is the Library. Here’s why…

“Americans already think like entrepreneurs. Almost half say they’ve had a specific idea for an entrepreneurial venture in the past year or see opportunities in the economy for such ideas. But they’re unsure how to proceed — only 35 percent would know where to go for help. Think about it: We live in the most economically free country on the globe, yet only one person in three knows how to get help to get started in business.” — Frank I. Luntz, The What Americans Really Want…Really: Revised Edition

Why This Librarian Loves It When Teens Geek Out

Q: What do Harry Potter, Wonder Woman, and Steven Universe all have in common?A: Hordes of teenage fans eager to share the love.