What is Sensory Storytime?

'Sensory" storytimes are increasingly available. Here's what to expect when taking a child to one for the first time.

Summer Reading Isn't Just for Kids Anymore

Libraries offer summer reading programs for all ages. Many libraries provide adult-oriented prizes, incentives, and recreational activities. Here’s how you can get involved with your library’s adult summer reading programs.

Prepare Your Child for School Using the Library

Preschool and kindergarten readiness is a challenge, but the library can help. 

What Exactly is a 'Storytime'?

Here’s what you need to know about these much-loved library programs.

We, the Librarians of the United States

Librarians don’t rock the boat — they steady it.

Develop Your Yoga Practice at the Library

Public libraries help nurture your mind and body with yoga. 

Six Institutions to Receive Nation’s Highest Honor for Museum and Library Service

Out of 30 finalists, the Institute of Museum and Library Services recently announced six 2022 National Medal for Museum and Library Service recipients. 

Read More, Hate Less

Did you know that reading increases your ability to empathize with others? Showcase your love of books with “Read More, Hate Less” merchandise! Through June 15th, 2022, EveryLibrary will receive 50% of the proceeds!

Libraries Support People Living with Memory Loss

Memory loss resulting from Alzheimer’s or dementia can disrupt the quality of life for adults with this condition. People living with memory loss require extra care, which often comes from a partner or other family members. Alzheimer’s Awareness Month is celebrated in June, making it a great time to consider the impact this mental health condition has on people and those close to them.

No More Cajun Heritage Displays at Lafayette Public Library

Book displays highlighting specific segments of the population such as Pride Month, Black History Month, Women's History Month, Native American history and even Cajun heritage are no longer allowed at Lafayette Parish public libraries.