The Obvious Place to Get Started in Business is the Library. Here’s why…

“Americans already think like entrepreneurs. Almost half say they’ve had a specific idea for an entrepreneurial venture in the past year or see opportunities in the economy for such ideas. But they’re unsure how to proceed — only 35 percent would know where to go for help. Think about it: We live in the most economically free country on the globe, yet only one person in three knows how to get help to get started in business.” — Frank I. Luntz, The What Americans Really Want…Really: Revised Edition

Why This Librarian Loves It When Teens Geek Out

Q: What do Harry Potter, Wonder Woman, and Steven Universe all have in common?A: Hordes of teenage fans eager to share the love.

How Their First Library Card Teaches Kids Responsibility

To kids, a first library card can symbolize the power and responsibility of adulthood. 

15 Tips to Keep Your Kid’s Reading On-track Over the Summer

Summer reading programs are a great way to keep kids engaged with reading and up-to-speed with their reading level. But even if kids start a reading program with enthusiasm, their attention may dwindle as the summer rolls on. Here are 15 tips to keep your kids on-track:

How the Library Can Help Freelancers Gain Expert Credibility

Presumably, as a freelancer and entrepreneur, you are an expert in your craft; you have knowledge and skills that the average person doesn’t have, and you make a living by using them. But how are potential clients supposed to know that you’re an expert? Certainly, there are the obvious ways: A website, referrals from past clients, and the myriad marketing strategies both online and off. These ways are good, they are traditional — they are also potentially time-consuming and expensive.

5 Ways Libraries Support Veterans

Military veterans are among the bravest and most selfless people in our country. They have put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms. One of these freedoms is our freedom to access information. Often this information is accessed through libraries.

Wise Investors Invest in Libraries

Wise investors know a good deal when they see it, which is why so many people who are smart and wealthy love their public library. That's because the research repeatedly shows that the Return-on-Investment (ROI) for your local library is around $5 (but could be up to $9), for every dollar spent on them.

The High Cost of Illiteracy

Did you know that illiteracy costs the United States billions of dollars every single year? Approximately 32 million adults in the United States can't read, according to the U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that 50 percent of U.S. adults can't read a book written at an eighth-grade level.

Unexpected Ways Libraries Save People Money

Library users certainly save lots of money by borrowing items, taking free online classes, and attending fascinating events, but that’s far from all. Here are some examples of ways most people wouldn’t expect to save money from using libraries: