SEND AN EMAIL: Veto the Book Bounty Bill in Idaho
H710 is a vaguely worded and overreaching "Bounty Bill" that allows for causes of action against schools or public libraries and Complainants can be awarded $250 if they prevail.
In a blow to local control, the bill allows ANYONE to challenge books -- they do not have to be local community members, library card holders, or residents of a school district.
Additional problems with this bill include
- The bill will force libraries to create an "Adults Only" section.
- The requires libraries to restrict or remove materials that don't meet the legal definition of obscenity - putting libraries (and taxpayers) in danger of defending against unnecessary and costly first amendment lawsuits.
- There is no review process required to assess complaints. Libraries will have to remove identified materials or get sued. This has concerning due process considerations.
- The bill is an unfunded mandate. Libraries will have to renovate facilities, move collections, and hire additional staff to check IDs and monitor movement in the library.
This poorly thought-out bill will put libraries in a lose-lose situation: Either they comply with the law and run the very real risk of violating citizen access to constitutionally protected materials, or they do not comply and face costly consequences from censors.