With your help we can expand our reach and encourage even more Americans to take action to support libraries in the United States. Just follow the five easy steps below to get involved today!
Every donation of $10 helps us reach 1,000 more Americans and over 100 signatures on our petitions.
The current administration’s federal budget proposal makes inappropriate cuts to the information and education infrastructure that millions of Americans depend upon. That’s why we are working so hard to fight against budgets that cut funding for libraries and museums but we need your help! There's much more we can do together. That's why we put together these easy next steps to fight to support library funding in the United States.
Please take these next steps to fight for Library Funding.
The quickest and easiest thing you can do is click to share this petition on Facebook and Twitter so we can reach millions of Americans like you and encourage them sign it to support libraries across the country.
Then, please take a moment to change your social media badge to this image to help us support libraries in 2020 and to help us raise awareness about the importance of American Libraries. If we can make this campaign go viral we'll be able to make a significant impact in congress and get closer to fighting back these cuts.
Then, you can help us spread the word about the amazing work done by IMLS by downloading and sharing these images. Our biggest problem is that most Americans don't know what Federal Funding for libraries accomplishes. The truth is that it helps Americans save millions of tax dollars through bulk purchasing, integrated systems, and much more. These images will help inform people about the importance of federal funding for American Libraries.

You can read more about our work in our Annual Report or visit our full website at EveryLibrary.org
As a 501(c)4 organization, contributions to EveryLibrary are not tax deductible. However, if you'd like to make a larger tax-deductible donation to the EveryLibrary Institute (our 501c3) to support our research and training for school librarians, please visit everylibraryinstitute.org
You may donate by check or money order (US Funds only) made out to:
P.O. Box 406
45 E. Burlington St.
Riverside, IL 60546
Or donate via ActBlue
Or donate via PayPal