To Quote Adolf Hitler...

We need your help to fight back against these groups. Please make a donation today!

If you've been following the organized attacks on your freedom to read, you know Moms 4 Liberty is one of the most well-funded dark money organizations that we've been fighting against

Now they're quoting Adolf Hitler in their newsletter.


This is probably why the Southern Poverty Law Center labelled this group as a hate group.

Now, more than ever, we need your help to fight hate in the United States and take a stand against book bans.

We'll put 100% of your donations to work fighting against well-funded book banning hate groups like Moms 4 Liberty.


Moms 4 Liberty likes to portray themselves as a widespread movement of innocent mothers, but Melissa “Missy” Bosch (Lonoke County, AR Chapter) was recorded musing about gunning down a school librarian:

"If I had any mental issues, they would have been plowed down with a gun by now."

While they claim to be fighting against pornography, we know that's not true. They've demanded the removal of books about everything from seahorses, to Johnny Appleseed, to hurricanes.


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We also know that more than 70% of parents disagree with book bans, less than 1% of parents opt-out of school reading material when given the chance, and more than 90% of bans are initiated by only 1 or 2 community members.

That means that Moms 4 Liberty doesn't even represent the majority of mothers in America.

In fact, it's the people like you who are fighting against book bans that represent the mothers of America.

That's why we've been fighting back. And winning!

Your donations go to provide direct support to dozens of local community groups who are fighting back against these well-funded hate groups backed by dark money politics. 


The groups who want to deny your freedom to read are well-funded by dark money political orgs. We need your help to fight back!


We built the tools that community members like you can use to fight against book bans at We'll support campaigns on this platform with direct funding, pro-bono consulting, access to digital tools, and much more. Launch your campaign today!

And, we've launched a training series to help people like you fight back against book banners in your community.

But we can't do it without you. That's why we're asking you to make a donation to fight book bans, racism and homophobia, and attacks on your freedom. 

Please take a moment and help us stand with the majority of mothers in this country with a donation today.