UPDATE April 6, 2023: The Idaho House failed to overturn Gov. Little's Veto of HB314. We are thrilled to share that the Veto is sustained and the legislative session has ended without this bill becoming law. Thank you to all the library activists who worked to oppose this unwise, unnecessary, and ill-conceived legislation. We appreciate the Governor for his leadership and wisdom in making his Veto.
Legislation in Idaho would create a new and unnecessary law that would penalize schools and public libraries over the books on their shelves.
HB314 (2023) would create new, novel, and unnecessary penalties on schools and public libraries under state obscenity laws. HB314 tries to redefine what the test for obscenity is in Idaho and implies that our public libraries, school libraries, and classroom libraries are harmful to minors. This bill means that sensitives topics like sex or gender - or even romance novels - can be easily banned and removed whenever someone files a complaint. This allows a vocal minority to dictate what everyone else reads.
We cannot let a bill like HB314 create a climate in Idaho where every school or library - and the public servants who keep them running - is opened up to prosecution to satisfy a few crusaders. Join the Idaho Library Association and EveryLibrary in opposing this bill. It has already passed the House and Senate. Please send your message to the governor today.