Libraries Are About Choices, and That’s How it Should Be!

Libraries Are About Choices, and That’s How it Should Be!

Reading library news on a regular basis is enough to make a freedom-loving person crazy; every week I read about seemingly regular people attempting to ban books or protest library programs! Understand, it’s not these people’s right to speak out that gives me the willies, it’s that their solutions all too often involve trashing books I might want to read and cancelling programs I might want to see. It’s that they’re attempting to slash at the self-determination of entire communities to satisfy their own morals or, worse, their personal tastes, and it is wrong! Libraries are about giving people the freedom to read and think without interference. They’re about giving people choices!


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The argument does exist that because tax dollars are used to fund libraries, the masses should dictate their operations. Of course, this logic is ridiculous if we follow it to its end. Should it also be taxpayers that decide what brand of concrete is used to re-pave roads? Should taxpayers accompany municipal maintenance when they upgrade sewage systems? Or maybe we should have Joe Public harangue the city’s tree trimmers as they do their work. Civilization wouldn’t collapse, to be sure, but I think it’s smarter if we let people do their jobs.