Military Families and Public Libraries

Military Families and Public Libraries

Libraries are uniquely positioned to support military families in a variety of ways. From ensuring that all ages are able to easily access resources like books and job searching materials to welcoming new families into town, libraries were built as a space for learning and connecting. It is well-known that military families have to move around often. In fact, many families move every two to three years — and some move more frequently. The United States facilitates around 450,000 Permanent Change of Station (PCS) moves for military families each year. This means family units with spouses and kids are being uprooted from their comfort zone and need to adapt to new environments constantly. The local public library near base is one destination in any new town that is open and consistent to offer support for new faces.


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Libraries Near Military Bases

Family Toolkits

Supporting Veterans and Military Families

Libraries as Creators — and Connectors — of Assets for Families