UPDATE: HB91 has passed the Montana state House and is moving in the Senate. Help MLA avoid unnecessary and unwelcome amendments by contacting your state Senator now.
The Montana Legislature has the opportunity to continue State Aid funding to Montana libraries, but we need people like you to send an email in support of House Bill 91 (2023).
HB 91 reauthorizes state aid funding with a modest increase and, for the first time, includes tribal college libraries that offer public library services.
If this critical bill is not passed, libraries will lose between 2% and 3% of their funding.
State Aid helps broaden access to libraries across Montana. This funding helps secure computers, wifi, and services to retirement communities and homebound patrons. Many libraries depend on State Funds for employment and business services to help Montanans get back to work or start small businesses in order to improve Montana's economy.
Proposed changes will also include certain accredited tribal college libraries, increase the per-resident aid amount, and extend the termination date for the per capita state aid formula.
Please help the Montana Library Association reach out to the state Senate to help pass this important funding bill this session.
Last updated March 28, 2023