AB1825 - https://www.billtrack50.com/billdetail/1674195
The California Library Association is asking everyone in the state who is concerned with censorship, discrimination, and the future of libraries to contact their state senator during the summer recess and ask that they pass AB1825, the California Freedom to Read Act of 2024, to ensure that no one is restricted from reading what they wish to in California's public libraries. The state Assembly has already passed this important bill. Please take action today and ask the state Senate to send it to the Governor to safeguard and secure the right to read.
The bill does three important things for every reader in California: It acknowledges that library materials should be "provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment" of all people and should "present diverse points of view" in the collection as a whole; that no one's opinions or viewpoints - whether those are social or political or religious - are better than anyone else's at the library; and it says that materials in public libraries "shall not be excluded, and access to library materials shall not be limited" because of race, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, political affiliation. These are core Constitutional provisions. Taken together, California will be a better place for every reader to find their story and for authors and storytellers to have their books discovered.
Please join the California Library Association and EveryLibrary in standing up for the Freedom to Read Act of 2024. Contact your state Senator now and then help spread the word!