She read porn from an adult magazine at a school board meeting where children were present in a stunt that confused everyone.
People who want to ban books still don't seem to understand what book bans are.
This a perfect example of why we need more resources for trans teenagers in school libraries.
School board meetings have become more jaw-dropping as clashes over book bans have skyrocketed. Here are a few examples of the shocking scenes that have come to our attention recently.
From grain bins to lighthouses, rural libraries tend to serve many functions in addition to their traditional purposes: community centers, local history museums, or internet cafes.
In good times and bad, your library provides free materials and programming for every citizen in your community.
Get involved with Black History Month by reading an informative book.
Trust us; it's way easier.
Missoula Public Library hosts adaptive cooking demonstrations.
A list of ten creative and unique ways to enjoy a library book.