Rogue Librarians and Activist Archivists!

Rogue Librarians and Activist Archivists!

We all — hopefully — have a story about a moment in library when something wonderful happened to light a love of reading in our hearts. Or in an archive where, through the magic of preservation and curation, history stayed alive and did not fade. There are ‘special collections’ that matter to whole communities and entire nations. And there are some that are special to just a few.


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Our lives are richer for having those moments and places, these books and ephemera.

This enrichment is made possible by librarians, archivists, curators, historians, and collectors. Here at EveryLibrary, we are grateful to each one. We’re proud to help show off some of the best and most engaging ones by highlighting a wonderful podcast that first called The Keepers. Our friends at The Kitchen Sisters Present are highlighting those “rogue archivists and activist librarians” — the folks who do the best kind of work: keeping the memory and history of our culture and communities intact and accessible.

You can dive right into the Keeper of the Day stories via Davia Nelson, one of the Kitchen Sisters herself, describes the series as “being about people who preserve and protect our cultural heritage and the free flow of information and ideas; the Keepers of the culture, and the culture and collections they keep.”

We think it is the best 4to 8 minutes you can add to your podcast day.

If you have a wonderful Keeper in your life or at work in your community, Davia and her team want to hear about them. The Kitchen Sisters are looking for nominations for “Keepers of the Day” via The Keeper Hotline: 415–496–9049. You can reach out to them on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, too.