The IMLS: An Investment in America

The IMLS: An Investment in America

As the primary source of federal funding for our nation’s libraries and museums, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) plays a vital role in promoting lifelong learning and literacy for people of all ages, providing invaluable resources to help strengthen America’s cultural institutions and increase public access to the vast wealth of information, ideas, and networks that they have to offer. With its national reach and scope and the ability to spur innovation and creativity at the state, local, and tribal levels, the IMLS is nothing less than an investment in America itself.


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According to the American Alliance of Museums, more than 850 million people visit museums in the United States every year — that’s more than the annual attendance for all major league sporting events and theme parks combined! Americans also go to libraries more often than they visit the movies, with the IMLS estimating that 4 million people visit their local public library every day. There are more libraries in the U.S. than there are Starbucks coffee shops and more museums than there are McDonald’s restaurants, making libraries and museums two of the oldest and most beloved of American franchises.