Historically Black College and University Archives: Protecting American History

Historically Black College and University archives preserve the histories and accomplishments of HBCUs and their graduates, along with important aspects of Black life in America.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) designate colleges founded before 1964 to provide accredited education for Black students. Today they account for only 3% of higher learning institutions, but their graduates represent 25% of all Black college graduates. HBCUs are slated to produce 50% of all future Black lawyers, public school teachers, and 80% of future Black judges. Preserving the histories and accomplishments of these vital institutions is something many HBCU libraries do, along with important aspects of Black life in America from Reconstruction through the Civil Rights Era.

Note: This article will share several archives to check out. In many cases, appointments and prior permission are required to view the archives in person, usually for research purposes, but many collections are online.

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