Libraries Preserve Veteran Stories

What are the unique veteran stories from your family and community?

We, as a nation, remember and acknowledge the sacrifices veterans make for our country. A big part of recognizing our veterans is recording their stories. Libraries create resources like databases and books accessible to the public to share local veteran stories.

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Books and Audiobooks

Many veterans write or speak to reflect on their experiences — libraries house various books and audiobooks with veteran stories. Next time you’re at your local library, search for veteran stories. You’ll probably find some interesting books.


In addition to books and audiobooks, some libraries provide free access to databases usually blocked by paywalls. Some of these databases include veterans’ stories or military records. For example, veterans and their families can share stories and information through Ancestry, available for free at most libraries. Fold3, which documents military records, is another resource available at libraries.

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Librarians know your library best. They can guide you and suggest different resources, especially local resources and archives. Ask your librarian about veteran stories and other resources available at your local library. Don’t forget about the academic libraries and archives in your community. They are a resource for the public as well as a resource for the institutions they serve.

Support Libraries

The bottom line is that libraries are essential in preserving stories and ensuring veteran accounts are widely available to the public for free. Spend time at your local public or academic library and explore what is available. If you have a story to tell or artifacts to share, consider reaching out to your local librarians or archivists for advice about sharing them with the public and preserving them for the future.

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