Why Libraries Aren't Typewriters

It is more important than ever to highlight all that libraries and librarians do for their communities.

How Interlibrary Loan Works

With ILLs, you can access just about any library material your heart desires.

Books Are Being Banned for Ridiculous Reasons

The most frequently challenged children’s books are also some of the most popular.

Houston Public Library Goes Fine-Free

Eliminating late fees can encourage more people to use the library.

How to Run for a School Board

Interested in running for your school board but don’t know where to start? We can give you the basic information to help you begin the journey. It’s absolutely possible for you to take on a role within your school district if you’re interested in getting involved. Here are some general tips on how to run for a school board.   

Social Equity in Library Spaces and Collections

The Choska Talfa Room is an example of social equity in action.

Reaching Out to Hospital Patients — What Public Libraries in England Can Offer

Public and hospital libraries team up to expand their resources for patients and visitors.

Censorship Is a U.S. Civil Rights Issue

Censorship and book banning only add insult to injury.

Teaching empathy is a threat, that's why they want to ban books.

At a time of significant violence in America's schools, the worst thing that a child could learn from school is how to be empathetic and caring towards others. At least, that is what many book banners would have you believe lately. In fact, there's video of them saying exactly that.

Banning books is just NOT, at all, about pornography

If you ask the politicians banning books why they are doing it, most will say they are just trying to protect children. But is that true?