Alarmed about fake news? The librarians can help!

On a chilly morning near the end of 2016, I met a friend for breakfast at a diner in Austin, Texas to talk about fake news. While this was not the start of some, admittedly strange, spy novel, it was the start of an educational project that’s still growing. As a librarian, I know it is just as important to teach kids how to look at news sources as it is to teach them to read. Librarians like me are focused on helping people of all ages become literate in a number of ways. But we are here in a particular way to help parents, educators, and their students know how to be literate about the media, news, and what they see online. With so much learning and entertainment happening online, it’s more important than ever

Stop Pretending that Libraries are a Business. They’re not!

Like clockwork, every few months, someone out in the world publishes an article in the national press about how libraries should be replaced by X company. The argument is usually pretty simplistic: Thingamabob Inc. does this one function of a library really well, so libraries are on their way out. Obviously, when reduced to its bare essentials, it sounds so silly! Libraries do a lot of things very well, producing value for their communities in ways that are fundamentally different than any business.

Micah Reads! This Inspiring Story Proves That Libraries are Extremely Important

NOTE: We saw this inspiring story on Facebook written by Steven Bellah and we got permission from Steven and Micah to share their story here. The guy holding the shirt is Micah. He has been coming to the Red Bridge Branch of the Mid-Continent Library for about a year and a half now. He walks about a half mile to get there. In the beginning, he would come in and check out about 10 DVD’s, multiple days a week. He told us he lived in a group home and the movies kept him entertained. He was just another satisfied customer.

5 Intriguing Reasons Public Library Staff is Crucial to Communities

I recently read a study in which researchers placed book-vending machines in “book deserts,” or low-income neighborhoods where there was little access to books, and studied their use. What they found wasn’t surprising: Access to books increased literacy and school-readiness. Even less surprising was this quote: “Our findings suggest that only having one side of the equation — access to books or adult support — is insufficient. Rather, both are necessary. Without access to books, one cannot read to children; without adult supports, children cannot be read to,” said Neuman.”

5 (Really Awesome) Download Services for Your Summer Travels

When I travel, I generally take a library book with me. It’s not that I intentionally travel with library books, it’s just that I always have at least one library book borrowed and travel time is one of the best times to get some uninterrupted reading done. If you’d rather not take a library book on the road, or if you prefer reading on your tablet, phone or other device, you have some really great options. Libraries have leveled up digital services and they now offer a variety of ways to download digital materials. This way, you can take books, music, movies and more with you on the road, without actually taking the materials with you. Here are five of our favorite library apps and downloads for your last minute travel needs.

Reversing the Summer Slide

The summer slide is not a fun waterpark extravaganza. It’s the slipping of learning that takes place during the summer when kids aren’t in school. For example, if your child is at a third grade reading level, it is likely that he or she will slide to a second grade reading level if no reading is done over the summer. Sometimes, it can take kids as long as three months to get back to where they left off a the beginning of the summer; and then they have Thanksgiving break and three weeks later, a two week break from the end of December through the first few days of the calendar year.

Should We Replace Libraries with Amazon?

Of course not. It’s a terrible idea. So why did Forbes publish this article that made that horrendous suggestion? We have no idea, but that’s just the kind of sentiment that we’re fighting against in the United States with your donations.

The Return-On-Investment from Your Public Library is Unbelievable!

Wise investors know a good deal when they see it, which is why so many people who are smart and rich love their public library. It’s simple, really, if you consider what the average U.S. household pays for library services (~$7.50/month) and put that next to a public library’s vast offerings, the point is obvious. For under ten dollars you get thousands of books, music, movies, wholesome activities for kids, very expensive market research databases, and a much, much more.

The Return on Investment From Your Public Library is Unbelievable

Wise investors know a good deal when they see it, which is why so many people who are smart and rich love their public library. It’s simple, really, if you consider what the average U.S. household pays for library services (~$7.50/month) and put that next to a public library’s vast offerings, the point is obvious. For under ten dollars you get thousands of books, music, movies, wholesome activities for kids, very expensive market research databases, and a much, much more.

Meet Your Goals This Summer with Help from Your Local Library

If you haven’t been to your local library lately, you may not be aware of the many digital resources that can help you achieve summer-related goals such as home improvement, gardening and staying fit. The library isn’t just for books; patrons can also take advantage of resources including digital magazines, eBooks and audiobooks that can be accessed from a laptop or mobile device. Here are five ways your library can help make summer more enjoyable and productive: