But, Nobody Uses Libraries Anymore...

One of the things we always hear while campaigning for libraries is that nobody uses libraries anymore. But check out the data and you'll see something completely different.

What Is Public Domain Anyway?

Copyright runs out on some very well-known titles in 2024. . . .

Listen Up! How Audiobooks Work Alongside the Printed Page Promoting Literacy and Accessibility

Yes, listening to audiobooks counts as reading.

Caring for the Whole Student: How Campus Librarians Provide Mental Health Support

Don’t struggle on your own; head to your college library for support!

Make This the Year You Get Through Your TBR Pile

It’s time to dust off that stack of books you’ve been meaning to read.

Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions with Help from the Library

Public library programs and resources offer the support you need to achieve your goals this year.

Charity Begins at Christmas

Hospital libraries team up with local charities to spread holiday cheer and provide comfort to those in need.

Information Technology and Libraries

How do libraries acquire, teach, and learn about the latest tech?

Earning a High School Diploma at the Library

Los Angeles Public Library’s Career Online High School makes getting a diploma accessible for adults of all ages.

Only One Library Book Ban Case Has Ever Made It to the Supreme Court

Remembering 1982’s Island Trees v. Pico can inspire others to stand up against book bans and censorship in libraries.