Time for an Adventure: A New Way to Celebrate Book Lovers Day

What's your favorite way to enjoy a book?

Shake up your reading habit with a book-related adventure.

Calling all readers! Wednesday, August 9th, is National Book Lovers Day. The traditional response is to take a good book into a quiet corner and spend the day there getting lost. And while that’s a lovely way to spend any day, why not take advantage this year to have a book-related adventure? Here are three easy steps to make the day more than a quiet reading day into a stay-venture.

Step #1: Create Your Theme

It’s always good to have an initial idea to hang your hat on, and the best thing about books is that the ideas are plentiful. Possible examples include:

  • Reading local authors
  • Trying a new genre
  • Focusing on the unread oeuvre of a favorite author
  • Looking for and rereading childhood favorites
  • Find an author with your birth date and dig in
  • Create a challenge list and pick one as you go


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Step #2: Create Your Itinerary

Now that you know what you’re looking for, decide on where you want to start the hunt. You can pick one place and dig in or several for a fun adventure:

  • The main branch of your public library – This houses the largest collection and gives you the feeling of shopping without spending a dime. And if you don’t have one, it’s an ideal time to get a library card.
  • A great used book store – You never know what unexpected treasures you might find in there.
  • Your local independent bookstore – Support this vital small business in your community.
  • Yes, even Barnes & Noble – All brick-and-mortar businesses deserve our support.

Bonus Idea #1: Take a look and see if your city or town might have a book connection (mentioned in a novel, an author lived/worked there), and go visit it.


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Step #3: Find a Cool Coffee Shop You’ve Never Visited and Settle In

Make it someplace fun and quirky or plush and serious. Heck, maybe forgo caffeine and see if your community has a book-themed bar. Then order your favorite beverage, crack open your book, and enjoy.

Bonus Idea #2: Post a picture of your adventures on social media with the hashtag #NationalBookLoversDay.

You love books all year long. They take you on adventures without the need to pack, hit an airport, or even leave the house. This year, why not go on a book-related stay-venture while supporting book-related public spaces in your community? Hope to see you out and about or on social media with details about your self-directed date with book destiny!



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