What Are the National Archives?

It’s not every day that the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) makes headlines. Still, in recent months, they’ve shown up several times because they pursued certain presidential records that allegedly weren’t turned over to NARA as law and tradition dictates. Many people have never heard of, or paused to think about, NARA, so here’s a quick primer on what it is, what it does, and why it matters.

It’s not every day that the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) makes headlines. Still, in recent months, they’ve shown up several times because they pursued certain presidential records that allegedly weren’t turned over to NARA as law and tradition dictates. Many people have never heard of, or paused to think about, NARA, so here’s a quick primer on what it is, what it does, and why it matters.

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What Is NARA?

  • 3.28 billion pages of records
  • 10 million maps, charts, and architectural and engineering drawings
  • 44.4 million photographs, digital images, filmstrips, and graphics
  • 40 million aerial photographs
  • 563,000 reels of motion pictures
  • Nearly a million video and audio recordings
  • 1,323 terabytes of electronic data

What Does NARA Do?

Why Is NARA Important?