We Are All Living Through History. Let’s Make Sure to Archive It.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many new experiences for everyone. Along with the experiences, there have also been a flood of new experiences and materials representative of the COVID era that communities have been working to preserve. Libraries and archives across the country have created COVID archives projects which consist of collecting stories documented across a variety of formats. From audio and video to photographs and journals, these archive projects are hoping to preserve the unique voices and experiences of people living through this historical crisis. Most states have multiple institutions running these projects and are inviting community members to submit.

Be An Armchair Archivist And Help Make History Discoverable

COVID-19 has left many people stuck in their homes with some free time in their schedules. But life in quarantine does become repetitive and many are itching to get back to normal lives where they are able to contribute to society and make an impact. One great suggestion to look into is contributing to the processes of digitizing collections of archival objects and materials relevant to humanity’s history. Many archives, library, and museum organizations are looking for volunteer transcribers to help review online materials and transcribe them so that they become easily searchable on the internet. It is pretty easy to set up shop as an armchair archivist and many organizations are looking for “volunpeers” to contribute to the process.

The Secret Weapon To Great Research Papers: Databases

We all know Google; we use it every day. But have you heard of Academic Search Premier, WorldCat, Gale Academic OneFile, Reference USA or NoveList? All these and more can be found through the ‘Research’ tab on your public and school library websites.

Libraries Answer The Challenge During COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown everyone for a loop. Schools, businesses, hospitals, etc. have all had to learn how to adapt to the new environment that 2020 has brought. Libraries are no different. Faced with the challenge of continuing to provide resources to patrons and ensuring the community gets access to what they need, libraries and librarians have employed a vast array of creative ideas. In addition to working around recent budget constraints and the growing needs of communities for technology and materials, libraries in the COVID age have their work cut out for them. Earlier in the year, many libraries across the country and the world were subject to stay-at-home orders required by the government. However, these learning institutions did not use the time at home to relax or put a pause on services. Instead, librarians reworked their systems and procedures so that they could continue serving the community, expanding resources, and preparing for when libraries would be allowed to allow in-person interactions again. Take a look at some of the innovative ideas that libraries have begun implementing.

How Libraries are Helping Communities Thrive During COVID-19?

The first true public library in the United States was founded by 1848 while the first lending library in the U.S. was founded in 1731 (ALA, 2020). Regardless of which of those two dates is most accurate, libraries across the United States have been around for a long time. During that time, the nation has experienced many challenges, changes, wars, recessions, and health crises. Despite all of the events that have occurred during the past 200 years or so, libraries have not only survived, but thrived. I believe that the past is often the best indicator of the future. We are all learning to live in a CoVID-19 world and this time has brought us new uncertainties. The pandemic has also underscored the fact that we are resilient, and that each of us is even stronger when working together to create solutions.

Supercharge Your Little Free Library

Little Free Libraries (LFLs) are one of the largest book-sharing movements in the world. These small, wooden boxes have been appearing in neighborhoods everywhere and offer an easy book exchange for those looking to discover new reads and share some of their favorite books as well. These libraries are useful because they offer books 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to those looking for something new to dive into. Little Free libraries function on an honor system. Basically, if you take a book out of the library for yourself, you’re expected to pay it forward by leaving a book for someone in the future to come across and take.

Supercharge Your Little Free Library

Little Free Libraries (LFLs) are one of the largest book-sharing movements in the world. These small, wooden boxes have been appearing in neighborhoods everywhere and offer an easy book exchange for those looking to discover new reads and share some of their favorite books as well.

Innovative Ways Libraries Are Helping Communities During COVID

Libraries are always changing and growing to help their communities — now more than ever. Since the Coronavirus pandemic became a prevalent global presence earlier this spring, many organizations have had to adapt the way they run to keep their doors open to the community in some capacity. Libraries around the world have been especially innovative with coming up with smart and effective ways to continue serving their communities. Libraries are diverse centers that offer endless opportunities and resources to their communities. Beyond access to materials and books, libraries also provide educational workshops, access to technology and internet, afterschool and summer programs, and many more resources. The pandemic has not changed libraries’ missions. Public libraries have been coming up with creative ideas to adapt their services in the face of COVID restrictions and shutdowns. These libraries have developed novel ways of tackling life in the time of Coronavirus. Here are highlights of just a few of the many that are working to serve their communities.

Even in the Digital Age, Books-by-Mail Matters for Americans

The boom in technological advancements over the past few decades have moved many forms of entertainment to online platforms. Movies are rented and downloaded within seconds. Music can be endlessly streamed. E-books mean that everything from bestsellers to car manuals are released in physical and electronic forms. It may be easy to get caught up with screens, but we’re here to remind you that even in a digital centric society, books-by-mail make life-changing impacts on many Americans.

Reading for Fun — and Not Just Classwork — During COVID

When school is in session, it can be easy to get wrapped up in homework assignments, exams, and, during COVID distancing, endless Zoom calls for virtual classes. It’s a very stressful time. For many students, the joy of reading and the fun that comes from reading outside of school work could get lost. We want to remind parents and caregivers that the public library and school library offer students of any age or reading ability the books, ebooks, audiobooks, and videos that can help stressed-out kids and teens get through the new school normal.