Librarians Love Their Jobs, Here's Why

We all know that there are a million and one reasons why the library is one of the best places to be. Here’s an insider secret: that librarians and library staff feel the same way. There are few roles as unique as that of a library worker. While there are tasks that need to be regularly completed, librarians can expect that every day will look a little bit different. It is no wonder that people join the field and stay in the field for a variety of reasons. We tap into the wide network of library professionals in the Library Think Tank, a Facebook group for librarians and library people, for insight into the best part about working in a library.

Books on Prescription

I’ve been hooked on information and libraries ever since my dad introduced me to our central library at the age of three, so I guess it’s not all that surprising I’ve been doing it for a living for the last couple of decades! I’ve worked mainly in healthcare libraries (plus short stints in science and education settings). Currently, I support primary care clinicians; I work as part of a Knowledge and Library Services Team in a large healthcare trust in Somerset, in England’s west country. We also have good links with our local public libraries and are in the early stages of several health and well-being related projects aimed at reaching the community.  

Explore Books in Many Languages at Your Library

You can find almost any information at your local public library. Everyone knows that libraries are filled to the brim with knowledge and resources. People are more than familiar with computers, reference materials, and the many genres of books available. What many haven’t realized they can come across at their library is books in other languages.

7 Ways Your Library Can Help You Keep Your New Year's Resolution

As another year comes to an end, there is one thing that always returns to everyone’s mind: New Year’s resolutions. Yes, the long-awaited, and sometimes dreaded, time of year when people set their goals and hope they don’t break them. These goals come in all shapes and sizes, some are ambitious while others are small and bite-sized. No matter who you are, setting resolutions can be stressful. Some people have even given up on resolutions altogether because they think the likelihood of following through is slim.

New In Your Community? Your Library Can Help!

What is the first place people who are trying to get settled in a new city should visit? The library! It might not be what comes to mind until you are all unpacked and ready to find some reading materials, but there is a lot that the library offers to newcomers. It’s an ideal resource for those who are looking to socialize and to learn more about their community. Whether you’ve moved from just down the road or from across the world, add the library to your move-in checklist.

How Libraries Are Adapting to Meet the Needs of Users

The global pandemic has had a devastating effect on the daily lives of American citizens. The closure of America’s libraries was one of the changes that were felt most. Seemingly overnight, millions of people lost access to their free source of entertainment, internet services, after-school programs, and so much more. Some libraries stayed closed for months, while others have still yet to open their doors. However, all libraries are doing what they can to adapt and meet the needs of their users.

The Rise of School Libraries as Technology Hubs

School librarians may be a relatively recent addition to school faculties, but their role has quickly become indispensable within the structure of a school community. Until the early 1900s people didn’t recognize the value of housing a library staffed by a professional librarian within school buildings. Throughout the 20th century, the landscape of school libraries has changed rapidly. They have been required to adapt, becoming not only reading and research experts, but also curriculum experts, and technology navigators. These professionals are often the technology wizards at their schools. School libraries have evolved in the past 50 years into tech hubs that are helping close the technological divide.

The Life-Changing Power of a Library Card

Most can probably relate to going through a difficult patch in life. That could mean financial struggles, loss of a job, mental health conditions, or anything that leaves you feeling anxious about your future. Where did you turn? Did you have a trusted friend or family member that could help you? Did you reach out to professionals such as a doctor or a therapist?

Libraries Bring Families Together Through Bilingual Storytimes

Pregunte en su Biblioteca Sobre Actividades Multilingües para Familias People from all over the world have settled in the United States and raised families. An increasingly common characteristic of American families is that many are bilingual. In many instances, grandparents and parents have strong language skills in their native language and young children have exposure to languages spoken at home in addition to English. With diverse populations in communities across the country and multilingual households on the rise, it only makes sense that libraries are creating multilingual offerings. For example, bilingual storytimes are a fun and interactive way for those who are wanting to connect with diverse languages and communities and develop skills in multiple languages.

In Defense of Free Choice in American Libraries

Recent campaigns by vocal minority groups are threatening the ability of library users in the United States to freely choose what they want to read. Brandishing books that they find objectionable and delivering impassioned speeches to school boards and elected officials, special interest groups have gained traction in recent months. Often targeting texts about race and sexuality, attacks on free choice are becoming increasingly aggressive and risk undermining the ability of libraries to provide their users with relevant and essential reading materials.