What's Happening to Libraries in Texas

On January 14, 2025, the Texas Legislature commenced its 89th regular legislative session to set policy goals and it now leads all other states in pre-filed legislation that would ban books and incarcerate librarians. We're tracking 14 anti-library and anti-reader bills in the state. We know that Texas is one of the country's testing grounds for anti-library legislation and that many states have attempted to duplicate their legislation.

Arresting Librarians Has NEVER Led to More Liberty and Freedom. 

A House bill in Alabama that could have led to the arrest of librarians narrowly missed becoming law last session. But sponsors of the bill are going to try again in February! In Texas, several bills have been pre-filed in an attempt to eliminate defenses against prosecution for library materials, including those that have scientific, political, artistic, or literary value.   

What Is E-Rate Funding and How Does It Help Libraries?

The internet has become an indispensable tool for many.

Trump Has ALREADY Attacked Libraries

It hasn't even been 24 hours and one of Trump's first actions was to rescind Biden's Executive Order 14084, titled "Promoting the Arts, the Humanities, and Museum and Library Services."

UK Healthcare Libraries Empower Their Communities with Health Literacy Skills

You know that saying about information being power?

If Traditional Storytime Isn't Right for Your Child, Try Sensory Storytime

For many children, traditional storytimes can be challenging.

What Does Federal Funding for Libraries Pay For?

We know that Trump's previous administration proposed cutting all federal library funding every year he was in office. We know he and Elon Musk will try to cut it again through the DOGE Presidential Advisory Committee in the coming months. But what does federal funding pay for, and why does it matter? You might be surprised.

Celebrate Take Your Child to the Library Day

The Connecticut Library Consortium and EveryLibrary are proud partners of Take Your Child to the Library Day (TYCLD), an international initiative devoted to promoting childhood literacy.

On Providing Legal Reference Assistance

Most law library information requests fall into one of three categories:  Reference Research Referral

What Do We Lose If We Lose the National Archives?

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) stands as a vital institution, preserving the documentary heritage of the United States. It safeguards billions of records, from founding documents to the everyday accounts of ordinary Americans, ensuring that the nation’s history remains accessible and intact. But what happens if this cornerstone of democracy is lost? The consequences would be devastating and far-reaching, affecting government transparency, historical research, cultural identity, and public access to information.