$5.2 Million Awarded to Support Library Services for Tribal Communities

Three grant categories, all of which support and grow American Indian library resources, accept applications annually.

Career Explorations at the Library

Here’s how you can use your local library to explore career development opportunities.

How to Find a Makerspace Near You

Call your local library. If they don't have a makerspace they can help you find one. 

Libraries Help Main Street Businesses Thrive

Small towns are well-known for their unique Main Streets, lined with local businesses. But what happens when a storefront opens?

Use Library Business Centers

Your library can help your business succeed; give them a call.

Libraries Preserve Veteran Stories

Librarians are essential in preserving stories and ensuring veteran accounts are widely available to the public.

Fight For Your Individual Freedoms

What we’re experiencing is not a coincidental spike in U.S. book bans. This is a coordinated attack on our freedom to read.

GOP Candidate's Newest Book Ban Crusade: Ban Books About Divorce

Nearly half of marriages in the United States end in divorce, but Michigan candidate for governor, Tudor Dixon, doesn't want your children to learn about it.

Libraries and the American Dream

Make your goals a reality with help from your library.

How Valuable Are Libraries? Here are the Numbers

Studies return jaw-dropping statistics.