The Evolution of Libraries as Welcoming and Inclusive Spaces

Libraries provide materials of interest and value to the LGBTQ+ community and their allies.

Your Library Can Help You Eat Local

Check your local library’s website for information about specifically offered programs where you live.

Audiobooks: The Perfect Road Trip Companion

Are you planning a car trip? Listening to audiobooks is a fantastic way to pass the time!

Libraries Help Prevent the “Summer Slide”

The library can help children develop a love of reading while enjoying a break from school. 

Libraries Address Brain Health

Information professionals in the UK help library users prioritize their well-being. 

Healthy Aging at the Library

Aging can be lonely, whether you live alone, miss old friends, or want to get out of the house occasionally. Public libraries understand these needs and offer activities, live and virtual, to engage seniors and help make connections with others.

Libraries: The Cyclist's Service Station

Whether you’re someone who bikes for exercise, to protect our environment, or as a form of transportation, libraries offer free, accessible services to all community members. Libraries provide unique resources to cyclists who need rest, repairs, and public education.

Base Libraries Explained

Public libraries are commonly utilized by people all over the world. They provide free reading materials, computer access, and online resources. However, most people don’t realize that military bases offer military personnel and their families similar services. A vital asset that dates to World War I, base libraries are crucial for personal education, career development, and recreation.

Free Museum Passes at the Library

Did you know that your library card may give you access to events and attractions free of charge?

Libraries Promote Mental Health and Wellness

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a perfect time to remind people to check in with themselves and their loved ones. While mental health awareness has been increasing, the pandemic initially made it more challenging to access resources like therapy, addiction treatment, and mental health programming.