Libraries Working Together for All Americans

Public library use is growing all across the United States. The federal Institute of Museums and Libraries (IMLS) reported in 2016 that “more than 171 million registered users, representing over half of the nearly 311 million Americans who lived within a public library service area, visited public libraries over 1.35 billion times in 2016”. Public libraries were used more than 1.3 BILLION times in that year alone. That’s a huge amount of library use in the age of Google, Facebook, smartphones, and 300 channels on TV.

3 Ways Diversity is More Than A Buzzword At The Library

“You can’t be what you can’t see.” Popularized by Marian Wright Edelman, the founder of the Children’s Defense Networks, these choice words have recently been given new life in the push for media representation. Perhaps you’ve heard about advocates such as Geena Davis (actress and founder of the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media) or the founders of We Need Diverse Books, Ellen Oh and Dhonielle Clayton, rising up to push back against their respective industries and make their message known: Visibility matters.

When it Isn’t All on Google

Databases aren’t just for spies and students anymore. When you think of the word “database”, do some of the things that may pop into your head resemble a CIA agent hacking into a mainframe and locating “the informant” or perhaps a stressed-out college kid scouring online literature reviews? Those were my only associations for many years. However, through my public library, I was introduced to a world of databases that pertained to my non-student, non-spy life! The library had databases that suddenly made my life significantly more fun, functional, and cheap! Library databases are free with a library card and are an excellent way to be entertained, develop new career skills, stay healthy, and save lots of money!. Read on to learn about 10 of the most unexpected and incredibly useful databases that public libraries offer.

Genealogy: How Libraries Provide Tools, Training, and Support

Learning about your family tree is a fascinating quest. Whether you want to begin tracing your heritage for the first time or if you want to continue building upon your existing knowledge of your ancestors, the help of your local library is an absolute “must” in the toolbox. It’s not difficult to see why studying one’s own genealogy is a captivating hobby which only continues to grow in popularity. When you trace your heritage, you feel more connected to the ancestors who came before you. You also experience a deeper sense of the bond which all human beings share in our increasingly anonymous world today. It’s also a ton of fun to find out where your distant relatives lived, how these individuals earned a living, who they lived with, and so many other details about their lives.

Community Catalysts — Libraries and Museums

There are many similarities between libraries and museums. They each contain repositories of collected knowledge, seeking to educate their both local communities and visitors from afar. Each are staffed by dedicated and knowledgeable professionals who are always welcome to help you find the answers you need. They both work every day to enrich the lives of those they serve and contribute a thriving, educated community. Senator Susan Collins from Maine once said, “From offering job search resources and free Internet access to exposing children and families to literary and educational experiences, libraries and museums serve vital roles in our communities”. However, did you know that the similarities between libraries and museums go way deeper than that? In America, both types of institution share a link all the way to the federal budget.

Your Library: We’ve Got Game

We’ve all gone to the library to get a book, but have you gone to play a video game? Gaming has cemented itself in our culture as a popular pastime and creative outlet, with games providing a window into an interactive world full of colorful stories, engaging challenges, puzzling problems, and even learning opportunities! Just like you find entertainment, education, or escapism in a book, picking up a controller and starting a game on your own — or in a group — can transport you to another world. Libraries everywhere are rich with opportunities for playing or joining a game of your choice. Many libraries even offer space to organize gaming events. Some even sponsor events and provide the consoles, televisions, and games themselves!

A Librarian’s Advice to Expand Your Non-Fiction Reading

Recommending books (or readers’ advisory, as its called in the trade) is one of the most useful skills librarians bring to the readers. To understand the “appeals” of a wide variety of books, quickly assess people’s tastes, and “book talk”, or pitch, selections with no prep are just a few of your everyday librarian’s hidden talents. One misconception many people have about readers’ advisory, though, is that it applies only to fiction. This couldn’t be further from the truth! In fact, librarians are always ready to turn a non-fiction reader onto their next mind-blowing selection. Below are some ways for curious non-fiction readers to discover something different:

It’s Not Magic, but it Seems Like it

Have you ever gone to check out a book at your local library only to find that they didn’t have it in their collection? It can be disheartening to make a trip to discover that what you’re looking for wasn’t able to make it onto your library’s shelves for one reason or another. The cost of acquiring books, ebooks, videos and films, music, and other materials for a library collection has continued to rise. Space is limited and budgets are tight. Librarians must make hard choices and real sacrifices regarding what to acquire, what to keep, and what to remove from their collections. But did you know that even if a book or other item isn’t physically present, your library may be able to make it available through an Interlibrary Loan?

6 Straightforward Ways Libraries Can Supercharge Your New Year’s Resolutions

An approaching new year can be a stressful time. Only a few days after the joyful crush of the holidays it’s time to reflect on the past year and yes, create meaningful resolutions for the year ahead. It’s a tall order to be sure. Luckily for all of us, libraries are there to help! Here are some straightforward (and maybe unexpected) ways libraries can not only inspire, but also play a strong role in, facilitating a new year that enriches you and those around you:

Your Toddler Wants to Hang Out at the Library

When it comes to helping toddlers to laugh, learn, socialize, and develop early literacy skills, your children’s librarian is an expert. Library ToddlerTimes are a terrific educational and social experience for toddlers. At this age, children begin learning to make friends, to become literate, and to really explore the world in which we live. It’s awesome to watch them grow through the magic of ToddlerTime!